lopqto's adventures
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  • From Laziness to Control: Reversing an IoT device using Frida

    Have you ever had that irresistible urge to take apart a cheap IoT device you bought from a random store? You know, that feeling that says, “Let’s dive into the mystery and figure out how this thing actually works!” But then you stop and ask yourself, “Why am I even doing this?” and struggle to come up with a good reason. Well, let me tell you, if there was a Ph.D. for taking apart useless things, I’d probably have earned it!

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  • Building highly interactive honeypots: CVE-2021-41773 case study

    Every day, as we drink our coffee in the office, new vulnerabilities pop out, some of which are highly critical and need quick reactions. Exploiting some of these vulnerabilities is a cinch, like the one found in Apache HTTPD “CVE-2021-41773”, which is why they attract many attackers. In such situations, a precise solution is required to get information around the attack as quickly as possible. The gathered information can be used for different goals, for example, to assist security engineers in knowing the attack patterns to defend themselves against it, or maybe for security researchers to gather intel and knowledge as much as possible; therefore, they can share it publicly. One of those solutions is a honeypot. Essentially, a honeypot acts as a decoy-based intrusion detection system to help us detect attacks and their patterns, and defend ourselves against them. This post (or maybe a series of posts) will discuss how to build a highly interactive honeypot for a vulnerability immediately and analyze the generated logs after successful or unsuccessful attacks.

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  • Automated dynamic import resolving using binary emulation

    Analyzing malwares is often not an easy task because there are lots of tricks and techniques that malwares use to evade detection and classification or to make the post-analysis more difficult. One such trick is to resolve windows API calls dynamically (called “dynamic import resolving”).

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  • Automated malware unpacking with binary emulation

    Probably most of the malwares out there use some sort of packer to evade detection and classification or to make the post-analysis more difficult. So in this blog post, I will talk about one of the most-used packing techniques and how to defeat that with the power of binary emulation. Also, I’ll drop a PoC of the new project that I’m working on. Note that this is a universal generic solution for packers that rely on unpacking code in heap memory and execute it.

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  • Decrypting NetWire's keylog files

    NetWire is recently back to the malware trends again. This new variant of NetWire uses Guloader to distribute itself. After some observation, it seems that NetWire creators changed the encryption routine. In this analysis, I am going to present you how to reverse the new encryption routine and get a clean version of the keylog file.

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